Marketing yourself as a hair extension specialist is a great way to increase your exposure and sales. There are a variety of different strategies you can use to get the word out and make sure that you’re seen as a top-tier professional in the industry.
One of the best ways to market yourself is to create a social media account on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to promote your business. Social media is going to be your biggest game changer in the hair industry. People love seeing artists work with pictures and videos.
Additionally, you can create promotional materials like flyers and business cards to spread the word about your services.
Finally, you can attend industry events and conferences to network with other professionals and build relationships. You always want to network with other people in the industry. That does not mean only hair extension artists. There may be a permanent makeup artist that has a client they can send to you. Anyone in the beauty industry is a good person to connect and network with!
Take the next step towards fabulous hair!
Book your free consultation at Studio She today and let us help you achieve the confidence you deserve.
Call us at 410-397-7966
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Find us on social media IG @studioshe.hairextensions FB @studioshesalon