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Top 4 Hair Extension Mistakes

The top four common hair extensions mistakes...

Wrong Method of Hair Extensions! We are unique and so is our hair. One method of hair extensions... isn't the answer for everyone. By having the wrong method of hair extensions you will notice density issues, which signals the brain to say WTF?! Wrong density = a disconnect in your hair and the hair extension.

The blend wont be there. From a distance your hair will look like you have "extensions". So much goes into selecting the right texture, method and color.

Selecting the wrong method can also lead to tension and traction OVER LOAD. This tension and traction can lead to damaging your natural hair. In lamens terms, the weight distribution is off and your natural hair is literally weighed down by hair that doesn't resemble it's natural state. If I am sounding too technical, then that's actually a good thing. I like to source hair extensions from small supply houses that carry hair from Cambodia, India, Russia and other parts of Europe. By offering this to my clients, I am able to match the texture closest to their own hair. I like to encourage my clients to wash and air dry...limiting heat exposure.

Color Matching. Hair Extensions are typically colored with textile dyes. It's vital that you have more than one solid color of extensions being that most of us have more than one color living in our hair. Color matching isn't done "just" at the root area. Color matching should be done matching the ends of your hair, which is usually lighter.

If you can't find the perfect color, matching lighter will only isolate the color which isn't the goal.

TIP: If you can't find the perfect match, go darker!

Low Quality Hair. Let's face it, the market is saturated with sh*t hair! Low quality, "cheap" hair can actually be "ok"... but never "amazing". I can admit that there is great science out there that coats the outside of the hair shaft, thereby, offering hair extensions at a cheaper price. But that hair never lays like our natural hair, it air dries like "straw"... you'll always have to use a flat iron or curling iron to make it "bliend"... if this sounds familiar to you, then you've probably had extensions in the past. ;)

Some salons find it difficult to get good quality hair, even if it is expensive, it can still be over-processed and not long lasting.

Bad Cut.

Bad cut = bad blend.

The cut seals the deal and if it's done right it can be such a surreal moment. I prefer to cut with a razor but I"ve seen others do the same with shears. Blending and cutting brings adds lift and bounce in both the natural and hair extension. This can only be done by slide cutting with a feather razor or scissors.

*Many of my clients get very nervous when the cutting begins. But it's essential for the blend.


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